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[Must See For All Ladies] 7 Things Ladies Do That Destroys Their Relationship

You do want a happily ever after, but sometimes the little things you do in your relationship, some of which you might not even be aware of, can cause irreparable harm to your relationship.
There are certain things that women can keep in check from their end, to ensure that they do not ruin their relationship.
Here are 7 things ladies do that can destroy their relationship.

1. Finding faults all the time
Constructive criticism, if it is meant to improve the relationships, is welcome. But, if you are always complaining about the imperfections of your partner, then you are looking for trouble.
Always finding fault tells your spouse that you are not happy with him, and he is not good enough. You might not feel this way, but this is the message you send when you are out to pick pointing at his small habits every now and then. What is even worse is when you do so in the company of your family and friends. My dear, you are on a highway of crashing your relationship.
Healthy Relationship Secret: The sooner you accept that your partner is after all just another human being with his share of the good and the Odds, the better for your relationship. After all, no human being is perfect, including you!

2. Not appreciating him enough
Lack of appreciation is often one of the major causes of dissatisfaction in a relationship. It is easy to take your spouse for granted.
If your partner is doing something special to make you happy, and if you fail to see his efforts and complain about small things, then it will ruin his mood and ultimately your relationship too!
Healthy Relationship Secret: Well, men are not too different from you when it comes to compliments and appreciation. Stop for a moment and acknowledge the efforts of your partner and let him know you notice them. A quick note of appreciation, a hug or a kiss can do wonders for your relationship.

3. Having unreasonable expectations
Expecting the partner to do things that are currently beyond his capacity is the bane of every marriage.
Putting pressure on him for things that you yourself know might not be reasonable for him to commit to is a smart way to destroy your relationship slowly and steadily.
Healthy Relationship Secret: Yes, be less demanding and reasonable in what you want, because pushing someone to give more than what he can at the moment, will only push him away.

4. Not nourishing your bond
You are aware of how important it is to connect with your spouse on a daily basis, but it is easy to forget when your Career or businesses come in, but keep in mind, physical and emotional shut down often leads to a big lack of intimacy.
Withholding affection from your partner can cause a major disconnect that will be hard to bridge.
Healthy Relationship Secret: Just as you want your man to take time out and do something special and intimate for you, you should do the same. Consciously take out time to be with your partner, and give it the top priority if you love and want to keep your relationship.

5. Having other close Male friends
Don’t get close to other guys in your relationships. No guy will be happy knowing his girl also have a close contact with some other guys. You need not break all ties with “Male best friend, Admirer, Toasters, and Ex-Boyfriends.
Healthy Relationship Secret: It is ok to maintain a healthy contact with your past but reduce the closeness so has to have a healthy relationship.

6. Giving the silent treatment
So, do you always keep your feelings pent-up and wait for him to figure out what is wrong? Well, that is what is actually wrong! He is not an expert, who will figure things out on his own based on your expressions and mood. By keeping quiet or closing communication you cannot solve any problem or resolve any issue.
Healthy Relationship Secret: If you wish to say something to him or if you are hurt about something, then instead of waiting for him to figure things out on his own, talk to him.
Men might not be too emotionally open themselves, but being passive aggressive is not the way to deal with them either.

7. Not giving him space
It is a well-known fact that men truly love their space and freedom, and this is one of the main reasons why most of them take their time to get committed.
Calling him up every single hour, getting jealous unnecessarily, forcing him to cancel plans with his friends always- are some common things that you might be doing out of love. But, your attempts to keep your man hooked to you might actually make him run away in the opposite direction.
Healthy Relationship Secret: It is okay to be jealous sometimes, but not all the time. Most men want their women to have a life outside the relationship as well. And, they want their women to respect their personal space and social group.
The End!!!
Thank you all for reading.
These seven things ladies do that destroy their relationship will really help you in order to know things you shouldn’t do to keep your relationship an everlasting one.
Wishing you success in your Love adventure.
Do share your experience with us

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